Our Core Value
Not everyone who contacts Solstice Pacific thinks they have what they need to get better. It takes a lot of risk, a lot of courage, to try something when you don't feel like you can predict the results. Those who put their trust in our services come to find out why our core value is family.
After decades of experience serving others, Solstice Pacific noticed factors that are common in the success stories.
Our value is that we will keep showing up for you regardless of how you show up-- we'll clear the space for mercy. We will teach your family to do the same.
Our rule is that we provide the best care and strive to improve your life each day-- even if it takes some time. We will educate your family to provide you with the support you need.
Our tradition is that once you are a part of our family we will always be there for you-- Once in the PS cadre, always in the PS cadre. This cadre includes your existing family!
Family: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common goal
The Solstice Pacific Core Value, Family, gives way for each of us to think about the values, rules and traditions that govern our life and routines. Every family has its own dynamic, a distinct way in which they tackle daily activities, solve common problems, set family goals and relate to one another.
Vision work
seeing past a moment or a lifetime, imagining what could be
Telling your story
physical, mental, emotional, genetic, social, spiritual
Integrative and connected treatment over siloed and disconnected efforts
there is not a linear path to wellness, but there is a path and you're not alone in navigating it. Where possible get those providers under one roof and at the same table to get more efficient and effective results
Support system
this is a combination of blood family, non-biological family like a recovery community, friends, peers in a support group, a life coach ... the people who you allow into the sacred space of sharing life's ups, downs and in betweens
Vision work
seeing past a moment or a lifetime, imagining what could be
Telling your story
physical, mental, emotional, genetic, social, spiritual
Integrative and connected treatment over siloed and disconnected efforts
there is not a linear path to wellness, but there is a path and you're not alone in navigating it. Where possible get those providers under one roof and at the same table to get more efficient and effective results
Support system
this is a combination of blood family, non-biological family like a recovery community, friends, peers in a support group, a life coach ... the people who you allow into the sacred space of sharing life's ups, downs and in betweens